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Our Demands for the New Haven CCRT 

We demand full transparency in the development and implementation of the CCRT in which community members are informed, involved, and lead every step of the CCR development and implementation process.


Community Advisory Board Leadership
We demand that the CAB leadership must have real power in shaping and reshaping the operation of the CCRT and must be compensated fairly (the current compensation amount is inadequate). 


Community Entry Protocol
We demand a clear path for New Haven residents to join CCRT to actually cultivate deep, meaningful relationships with New Haven communities.


Equal Pay for CCRT Members
We demand a CCRT that is peer-led in which all members of the CCRT should be equally paid, regardless of degrees or licenses.


Support for CCRT Members
We demand coverage for free and unlimited therapy for all CCRT members, especially peers, for the full duration of a CCRT’s member’s service.


Training CCRT Members
We demand that all members of the CCRT must receive anti-oppression, anti-racist, trauma-informed training from trusted training sources presented in the expanded Demands. 


NO Police
We demand an end to all ties with and practices involving police forces in CCRT. 


Peer Respite
We demand non-institutional (i.e., not hospitals, clinics, etc.) community-based spaces for healing when people are in distress that are led by community members with lived experience of mental health crises. 


Community Outreach and Trainings
We demand a public health campaign around mental health and the CCRT team.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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